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Rao, P S and Ansari, M F and Gajrani, C P and Kumar, A and Nema, P and Devotta, S (2006) Atmospheric Concentrations of Sulphur Dioxide in and Around a Typical Indian Petroleum Refinery. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 77. pp. 274-281.

Bansiwal, Amit Kumar and Rayalu, Sadhana Suresh and Labhsetwar, Nitin and Juwarkar, Asha Ashok and Devotta, Sukumar (2006) Surfactant-Modified Zeolite as a Slow Release Fertilizer for Phosphorus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (54). pp. 4773-4779.

Barse, A V and Chakrabarti, T and Ghosh, T K and Pal, A K and Jadhao, S B (2006) One-tenth dose of LC50 of 4-tert-butylphenol causes endocrine disruption and metabolic changes in Cyprinus carpio. Pesticide Biochemistry & Physiology, 86. pp. 172-179.

Bhatt, Praveena and Kumar, M Suresh and Mudliar, Sandeep N and Chakrabarti, T (2006) Biodegradation of tech-hexachlorocyclohexane in a upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Bioresource Technology, 97. pp. 824-830.

Biniwale, Rajesh and Balloffet, A F (2006) Estimation of effect of gasoline quality improvement on reduction of air toxic emissions in Dhaka. Current Science, 93 (7). pp. 963-967. ISSN 0011-3891

Biniwale, Rajesh and Kariya, N and Yamashiro, H and Ichikawa, Masaru (2006) Heat Transfer and Thermographic Analysis of Catalyst Surface during Multiphase Phenomena under Spray-Pulsed Conditions for Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane over Pt Catalysts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 110 (7). pp. 3189-3196. ISSN 1520-6106

Biniwale , Rajesh B. and Kariya, N and Yamashiro, H and Ichikawa, Masaru (2006) Heat Transfer and Thermographic Analysis of Catalyst Surface during Multiphase Phenomena under Spray-Pulsed Conditions for Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane over Pt Catalysts. J. Phy. Che. B, 110 (7). pp. 3189-3196.

Biniwale , Rajesh B. and Kariya, N and Yamashiro, H and Ichikawa, Masaru (2006) Heat Transfer and Thermographic Analysis of Catalyst Surface during Multiphase Phenomena under Spray-Pulsed Conditions for Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane over Pt Catalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (7). pp. 3189-3196. ISSN 1520-6106

Chatterjee , Debabrata and Dasgupta , Shimanti and Dhodapkar , Rita S and Rao, Nageswar N (2006) Simultaneous degradation of non-emissive and emissive dyes on Visible light illuminated TiO2 surface. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 260. pp. 264-268.

Chatterjeea, Debabrata and Dasguptaa, Shimanti and Rao, Nageswar N (2006) Visible light assisted photodegradation of halocarbons on the dye modified TiO2 surface using visible light. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 90. pp. 1013-1020.

Chelani, Asha B and Devotta, Sukumar (2006) Air quality forecasting using a hybrid autoregressive and nonlinear model. Atmospheric Environment, 40. pp. 1774-1780.

Chelani, Asha B and Devotta, Sukumar (2006) Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Coarse Particulate Matter Concentration in Ambient Air. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 56. pp. 78-84. ISSN 1047-3289

Dhage, S S and Chandorkar, A A and Rakesh , Kumar and Srivastava, A and Gupta, I (2006) Marine water quality assessment at Mumbai West Coast. Environment International, 32. pp. 149-158.

Dhodapkar , Rita S and Rao, N N and Pande, S P and Kaul, S N (2006) Removal of basic dyes from aqueous medium using a novel polymer: Jalshakti. Bioresource Technology, 97. pp. 877-885.

Dubey, Nidhi and Rayalu, Sadhana S and Labhsetwar, Nitin and Naidu, Rashmi R and Chatti, Ravikrishna V and Devotta, Sukumar (2006) Photocatalytic properties of zeolite-based materials for the photoreduction of methyl orange. Applied Catalysis A: General, 303. pp. 152-157.

Dutta, Dipanwita and Saravana Devi, S and Krishnamurthi, Kannan and Chakrabarti, T (2006) Anticlastogenic Effect of Redistilled Cow's Urine Distillate in Human Peripheral Lymphocytes challenged With Manganese Dioxide and Hexavalent chromium. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 19. pp. 487-494.

Gautam, Satyen and Kamble, Sanjay P and Sawant, Sudhir B and Pangarkar, Vishwas G (2006) Photocatalytic degradation of 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid in aqueous TiO2 suspensions. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 81. pp. 359-364.

Goyal, S K and Ghatge, S V and Nema, P and Tamhane, S M (2006) UNDERSTANDING URBAN VEHICULAR POLLUTION PROBLEM VIS-A-VIS AMBIENT AIR QUALITY – CASE STUDY OF A MEGACITY (DELHI, INDIA). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 119. pp. 557-569.

Goyal , S K and GHATGE, S V and Nema, P and Tamhane, S M (2006) UNDERSTANDING URBAN VEHICULAR POLLUTION PROBLEM VIS-A-VIS AMBIENT AIR QUALITY – CASE STUDY OF A MEGACITY (DELHI, INDIA). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 119 (1-3). pp. 557-569. ISSN 0167-6369

Gupta, Indrani and Dhage, Shivani and Jacob, Noble and Navada, S V and Kumar, Rakesh (2006) Calibration and Validation of Far Field Dilution Models For Outfall Atworil, MUMBAI. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 114. pp. 199-209.

Gupta, Indrani and Kumar, Rakesh (2006) Trends of particulate matter in four cities in India. Atmospheric Environment, 40. pp. 2552-2566.

Hengstler , J G and Krishnamurthi, Kannan and Chakrabarti , T and Bockamp , E O and Hermes , M and Brulport , M and Bauer , A and Schormann, W and Schiffer , I B and Hausherr, C and Eshkind , L and Antunes , C and Franzen , A and Lausch , E and Lessig , R and Prawitt , D and Zabel , B and Spangenberg , C (2006) Oncogene-Blocking Therapies: New Insights from Conditional Mouse Tumor Models. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 6. pp. 519-532.

Karar, Kakoli and Gupta, A K and Animesh, Kumar and Biawas, Arun Kanti (2006) CHARACTERIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCES OF CHROMIUM, ZINC, LEAD, CADMIUM, NICKEL, MANGANESE AND IRON IN PM10 PARTICULATES AT THE TWO SITES OF KOLKATA, INDIA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 120. pp. 347-360.

Karar, Kakoli and Gupta, A K and Kumar, Animesh and Biswas, A K (2006) Seasonal variations of PM10 and TSP in Residential and Industral Sites in an Urban Area of Kolkata, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 118 (1-4). pp. 369-381.

Khaparde, V V (2006) Inter-Laboratory Comparision of NO2 and So2 Generated by Dynamic Dilution System Under Laboratory Contitions:A Technical Discussion. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 116 (1). pp. 217-231. ISSN 0167-6369 (Print) 1573-2959 (Online)

Kumar, K and Saravana Devi, S and Krishnamurthi, Kannan and Gampawar, S and Mishra, N and Pandhya, G H and Chakrabarti, T (2006) decolorisation,biodegration and detoxificatio of benzidine based azo dye. Bioresource Technology, 97 (3). pp. 407-413. ISSN 0960-8524

Kumar, Rakesh and Joseph, E A (2006) Air pollution concentrations of PM2.5,PM10 and No2 at ambient and Kerbsite and their correlation in metro city- Mumbai. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 119. pp. 191-199.

Labhsetwar , Nitin and Balek, V and Vecernikova, E and Bezdicka, P and Subrt, J and Mitsuhashi, T and Kagne, S and Rayalu, S S and Haneda, H (2006) Study of the formation of perovskite type lanthanum ruthenates by heating their hydrous precursor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 300 (1). pp. 232-236. ISSN 0021-9797

Labhsetwar , Nitin and Biniwale, R B and Kumar, Rakesh and Rayalu, S S and Devotta, S (2006) Application of supported perovskite-type catalysts for vehicular emission control. Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 10 (1). pp. 55-64. ISSN 1571-1013; 1574-9266 (Online)

Malik, R and Ramteke, D.S. and Wate, S R (2006) Physico-chemical and surface characterization of adsorbent prepared from groundnut shell by ZnCl2 activation and its ability to adsorb colour. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 13 (July). pp. 319-328.

Pandya, G H and Gavane, A G and Bhanarkar, A D and Kondawar, V K (2006) Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at an oil refinery. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 63 (3). pp. 337-351. ISSN 0020-7233 Online ISSN: 1029-0400

Pandya, G.H and Koel kumar , S and Saravana Devi , S and Kondawar , V.K. and Chakrabarti, T (2006) Evaluation of HCH, DDT and Endosulfan Levels in Soil by Gas Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Soil& Sediment Contamination, 15. pp. 529-541. (Submitted)

Patil, R.R and Moharil, S.V and Dhopte, S.M and Muthal, P.L and Kondawar, V.K (2006) Photoluminescence of Cu+in Some double Sulphate. Indian Journal of Pure Applied Physics, 44 (5). pp. 175-177. (Submitted)

Raje, D V and Purohit, H J and Lijnzaad, P and Singh, R N (2006) Statistical analysis of counts and spacing of consistent repeating patterns in a set of homologous DNA sequences. Current Science, 91 (6). pp. 789-795.

Rayalu, S S and Bansiwal, Amit and Meshram, S U and Labhsetwar, Nitin and Devotta, S (2006) Fly ash based zeolite analogues: versatile materials for energy and environment conservation. Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 10 (2). pp. 74-88. ISSN 1574-9266

Rayalu, , S S and Meshram, S U and Biniwale , Rajesh B. and Srivasatava, A and Jadhav, P D and Devotta, S (2006) Volatile organic carbon monitoring in indoor environment using a versatile hydrophobic flyash-based zeolite as adsorbent. Current Science, 91 (4). pp. 497-503.

Salve, P R and Maurya, A and Sinha, R and Gawane, A G and Wate, S R (2006) Characterization and Source Identification of Major Inorganic Ions in Precipitation of Nagpur, India. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 77. pp. 305-311.

Salve, P R and Maurya, A and Wate, S R (2006) Atmospheric Dry Deposition on Leaves at an Urban Location. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxiclogy, 77 (6). pp. 834-837. ISSN 0007-4861 (Print) 1432-0800 (Online)

Salve, P R and Maurya, A and Wate, S R (2006) Atmospheric Dry Deposition on Leaves at an Urban Location. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 77. pp. 834-837.

Sandhya, S and Swaminathan, K (2006) Kinetic analysis of treatment of textile wastewater in hybrid column upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 122. pp. 87-92.

Sangolkar, L N and Maske, S S and Chakrabarti, T (2006) Methods for determining microcystins (peptide hepatotoxins) and microcystin-producing cyanobacteria. Water Research, 40. 3485 -3496.

Sargonkar, A and Vijay, R and Gupta, A K (2006) Quantitative assessment of annual runoff in sub-cattchment using GIS : A case study of the Tapi river, India. International Journal of environmental studies, 63 (2). pp. 189-199.

Sivacoumar, R and Jaybolau, R and Swarnlatha, S and Balakrishnan, K (2006) Particulate matter from stone crushing industry : Size distribution and health effects. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 405-414.

Srivastava, A and Joseph, A E and Devotta, S (2006) Volatile organic compounds in ambient air of Mumbai—India. Atmospheric Environment, 40 (20). pp. 892-903.

Srivastava, A and Nair, S N and Joseph, A E (2006) Ambient concentration of benzene in air due to vehicular movement in Mumbai. CURRENT SCIENCE, 91 (10). pp. 1315-1318.

Thacker, N P and Rudra, A and Adhya, S and Gupta, A K (2006) Use of multiple regression analysis for predicting trihalomethane formation in water supply. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 18 (4). pp. 2883-2889.

Thawale, P R and Juwarkar, A A and Singh, S K (2006) Resource conservation through land treatment of municipal wastewater. Current Science, 90 (5). pp. 704-711.

Verma, P and George, K V and Singh, H V and Singh, S K and Juwarkar, A and Singh, R .N (2006) Modeling rhizofiltration: heavy-metal uptake by plant roots. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 11 (4). pp. 387-394.

Zargar, S and Ghosh, T K (2006) Influence of cooling water discharges from Kaiga nuclear power plant on selected indices applied to plankton population of Kadra reservoir. Journal of Environmental Biology, 27 (2). pp. 191-198.

Zargar, S and Krishnamurthi, Kannan and Saravana Devi, S and Ghosh, T K and Chakrabarti, T (2006) Temperature-Induced Stress on Growth and Expression of Hsp in Freshwater alga Scenedesmus quadricauda1. BIOMEDICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 19. pp. 414-421.

Book Section

Labhsetwar, Nitin and Watanabe, A and Rayalu, S and Subrt, J and Mitsuhashi, T and Devotta, S and Haneda, H (2006) Catalytic Properties of Strontium Ruthenate Perovskite Prepared by Hot Isostatic Pressure Method. In: Catalytic Properties of Strontium Ruthenate Perovskite Prepared by Hot Isostatic Pressure Method. Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, 143 . Elsevier, pp. 825-831. ISBN 9780444528278

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